This time calls for courageous leaders to stand,
Stand for the hope and safety of people of Syria
I pray for brave citizens across the globe
To call upon their leaders to step out of the crowd,
Step out faithfully and smash evil amongst us,
Step out and let it be known loud and clear,
Humanity is indivisible, therefore, no one stands alone.
Woe are those who stand still and watch destruction
Across the globe, those who are failing to engage
In dialogue for the goodness of humanity.
I declare that we should honour the Creator
And stand with leaders who speak of peace and love.
Leaders whose direction is to help hurting people
Across the globe. Let us stand firm with those who
Are honouring the Creator, not gripping with fear.
Praise be unto they who shows kindness and respect
To the inner spirit of their soul to realize
That we are one in creation, different colours,
Different countries, yet we are one.
May the supernatural power of the Almighty
Guide and direct leaders to realize that
It is time to show assurance that they believe
Regardless of distance, God will stand with
The faithful, the courageous and the gracious.
May the spirit of everlasting protection
Be upon the leaders of our lands as they
Step forward to let the world know that
Somebody cares about the people in Syria
As much as the people in their own country.
May integrity and excellence in thought,
Be the turning point for leaders to take action,
As they are counted in the 'vessel' of Love,
Peace, Hope, Change and Indurance in a world
Calling for peace.
Winston Harding