Your B'day - the happiest day
that's when you are gay.
Sigh! ! 'I'm older' you say.
That sigh fills your mind,
blogging all those kind
B'day wishes from your client.
Wait! stop all those imaginations,
as this word has two interpretations.
So go on to find out it's explanations.
When uttered by teens, it means 'great',
dreamingly looking for their date
or the variety of cuisines on their plate.
It means 'oh no' for the old,
hatefully, musing the day when they told
their grandparents, 'old is gold'.
But, believe it or not-
this is not what B'day is about.
it's speciality is hidden, it is mute.
It's the day for you to see god,
feel his blessings even in a dot,
his love that you got in loads..
So all the poets who read this
soon one of our poemhunter is going to see god,
she is going to feel his blessings in every dot
and share 'His' love to all...
(((hey! ! it is not me..ok..she is a 56 year old lady, FIND HER...)))