on…..my birthday)
A bundle dropped in far of hut
a lumbering pelican eyes shut
Flapping wings in departing glide
Amply leers at the starting slide
Slowly fades in morning mists
In wake and vortex strewn gists
On cotton pledgets by loving hands
skip and dance on burning sands
pranced by ponds and banyan trees
chewed on canes, combs of bees
Ebb and flow of many a tide
Cantor, gallop of youthful ride
hand in hand skip and dance
as fate casts a bemused glance
pitter and patter of tender feet
in time to steady trudging sleet
hushed reflect the fading eyes
and painful tear of broken ties
snatched moments on the sly
truth bobbles on many a lie
Kaput heart and beaten brow
Splintered yolk and broken plough
From hearty laugh to silent dusk
from cheesy tops to dried rusk
lustrous verve to barren dune
Blusterous fresh to dried prune
Fading display of blurry sights
Tangled play of st Elmo’s lights
Numbered days on weary ways
Befuddled slog in swirling clays
those swanky leathers now lay by rot
The Maker’s anvil is searing hot
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