Paddle point to the waterfront.
Power happy loosing paddles strength.
A full visitor break.
This little work can’t stop my work
Mama-Africa said.
River-gods to terrestrial
with two paddles on both hand.
Each on each,
palm leaves to stick.
Basket to mama kitchen?
‘’Upolu’’ to what mind.
Dry ‘’Oporoko’’ on Africa altar.
Kitchen lakes warm
Palm oil from ‘’Ama-Ogbo’’.
Fresh and dry pepper,
melting like snows.
Stubborn ‘’Ugbono’’ to the deep
another hammer to the deep.
Gradual neglect of while sweet,
modern theme, her kitchen complete.
Fish bones and shells
sack to sweep.
It is the gallop in the sea.
The fleshy bones of reptile
Healing combine funeral.
Ebi Robert