Godfrey Rust - Heaven (Sequence Of 4 Short Poems)

2014-11-10 27

1. Heaven is within you

In light out of darkness,
in grace out of anger,
in faith out of doubting,
in hope out of grieving,
in love out of hating,
in life out of dying,
the kingdom comes—

this is miracle.

2. Kingdom of heaven

Holding the baby,
playing the fool,
taking the hindmost,
knowing the score,
choosing the short straw,
facing the music,
bearing the cross—

these are our rights.

3. Treasures in heaven

Wealth without envy,
trust without fear,
love without lusting,
power without pride,
peace without injustice,
joy without sadness
world without end—

this is our inheritance.

4. New heaven, new earth

From seed into flower,
from labour into birth,
from dust into diamond,
from nightmare into dawn,
from rot to resurrection,
from half-seen shadows
to face to face—

this is our destination.

Godfrey Rust


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