saadat tahir - Brutality at Tahrir…….1712-2k11

2014-11-10 0

(zulm alel maidaan tahrir)

Do they think we have died?
And don't know who has lied?

They almost killed the fallen one.
They soon will know, when it's done.

Dragged the girls by their vests.
To expose body and bare breasts.

Cared not for the nakedness of our girls.
And the one with the gun bullets hurls.

Hit at their heads with feral blows,
in Egyptian's hearts the blood glows.

They ganged and teemed to simply kill.
Wrench from Cairo's crowds their iron will.

Like animals jumped, trod and stepped.
In those flashes in them the devil crept.

Pegged down tents like olden times.
On the sick and injured committed crimes.

You Tantawi! will never succeed.
At the hands of revolutionaries, bleed.

Like Ghadafi you too will dearly pay.
By end like an injured animus bray.

saadat tahir
17 Dec,2k11

Inspired by a well seen video of the shameful occasion.
http: //

saadat tahir