mona martinez - Words can't explain where it all went wrong

2014-11-10 7

we surpose to be together?
so many things went wrong,
how do we fix the gap?
it wasn't you it was me,
lost in a world,
where i didn't know how to trust,
who you were,
even though deep down i knew,
i never had to ask questions,
you were always true to who you was.

it sucks i didn't trust that,
we went our own ways,
you got married,
i remained single,
it what protected me,
from getting taken advantage of sexually,
but along the way,
it only hurted both of us,
i could never be honest about stuff,
because when we were young,
how do you deal with sexuall abuse,
when you don't understand,
what is happening,
i hear it in your voice,
like you wish things were how they was,

it will never be.

mona martinez