Breathless Balkans, blisters & bruises
Savaged lands strewn about through time
From Romans, Goths, Huns and Avars
To Byzantines, Turks, Slavs and Tatars
Either pre-war or postwar, nothings been solved
And occupation becomes a suffered tradition
Yet devoutly believing in the laws of history
The Balkan states pre-figured the post colonial agony
Allies or Soviet satellites. Iron guards overrun
No interlude of freedom for Kosovo
No interlude of freedom for Bosnia
As Serbian hopes progress, it conserves the dying young
We're losing grip- Reversal regime
A transition to incarnation, tracing back to 1983
Dissolving progressive party features ideology
Soft on capitalism- a conformation zone
Under the Titoist puppets of the curtains shadows tone
Mason Maestro