indira babbellapati - Framing You

2014-11-10 0

Haven’t I planned to frame
And hang on the wall?
Ah, lackluster walls
How about in between the pages
Of those untouched books?

What’s the use?
Moths and rats!

Between the folds of clothes?
Oh, those rarely touched saris!

How best can I guard
Round face and chubby cheeks?
Can’t place anywhere, in tact
How to place here and there?
No, I will not frame
I will not place anywhere

What if I fail to recognize,
When one day you choose to
Come to surprise me?

The frame may get damaged!

Ah, heart is the best place!
Isn’t it?

Let you remain
In my heart
Till the heart ticks
Hopefully, I can’t possibly
Fail to recognize my heart!

indira babbellapati