Robert Edgar Burns - The Taco Bell!

2014-11-10 10

I went through the drive thru
Of a local Taco Bell,
After an especially hectic
Law Enforcement night!
I was about ready to explode,
If anyone else had come into my sight!
My supervisor is the one who angered me.
There very easily could have been a fight!
I waited for my order just a minute sir.
With a frown upon my face I looked at her.
Standing in the window of the drive thru,
Was the most beautiful girl in the whole world!
It wasn’t her face or her pretty blonde hair.
It wasn’t her shape, but her presence there,
For she wore the largest smile
That seemed to stretch for miles,
And that took away my gloom in great style!
I went and wrote that company
And told what had occurred.
I often sit and wonder
Just what happened to that girl!
I assume if she’s still smiling,
Then for her gloom just won’t stay.
I hope she’ll always be just as
Happy as she made me,
On the night before my temper
Had it’s way!

Robert Edgar Burns

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