Broken heart pieces scattered everywhere
Like a rose petal floating in mid air.
Where can I find them? , In the present or in a fair?
A broken heart piece did I find near my grandpa’s chair,
Guess he had trouble with his children or maybe with his pair,
Another one found I, when I wrote my first book,
Wasn’t satisfied with what the story looked to those big buffs.
Why are they everywhere?
I even found them in space,
Near the soul of that dog named Laika,
The first one to escape the cruel face.
I even found them under water,
Near those people thought who their mission was a flop,
Why are hearts always broken?
Can’t they stick together even for a blink of an eye?
Broken hearts are found, near those who work under the sun,
They had all those tough times still works they like a healthy bun.
Broken hearts did find I, near those poor afflicted ones,
What’s going to happen to them? I wonder at times,
But no answer floats to get the right sum.
Broken Hearts come near me, but there’s always a healing touch,
Cause if love is lost, never bend your head in sadness, instead,
Look up into heaven for that’s where your broken heart can be sent to
heal forever.
*Meriam *
Meriam Joseph