Stewart Gideon - When The Five Senses Fail

2014-11-10 3

You’ve looked with your eyes yet you can’t see,
You’ve smelt with your nose yet you can’t perceive;
You’ve listened with your ears yet you can’t hear,
You’ve touched with your hands but still can’t feel;
You’ve tasted yet can’t tell what’s on your tongue,
And you’re confused; you’ve exhausted all you’ve got;
Why not try the sixth sense – faith,
Now that your five senses have all failed?
So you’ll learn to listen with your heart,
Until you can hear the jingles of the morning star;
So you can start seeing beyond your eyes,
Until you reach for and touch the skies;
Then you’ll know there’s more to a sound than meets the ear,
And tell why you’ve never seen your brain but know it’s there;
Then you’ll know there’s more to life than this damn world,
And understand why science cannot really explain it all.

Stewart Gideon