Silentpoet Grl - The Blade She Tightly Grips...

2014-11-10 1

running till she was gasping for air
she falls down, crumpling to her knees
crying out in only silent painful screams
from piled up hurt throughout her broken life
her whole body is shaking with intense pain
like a dagger that is cutting through her heart,
and every bone being crushed, breaking apart.
her wounded spirit is shattered, abandoned,
tossed to the road to be carelessly trampled on
everything is willing her to stay knocked down
her world is completely crashing all around
hanging her head, she feels immense shame
with everything urging her so deeply inside
enticing her to give up, and to believe the lies
opening her clenched hand, blood drips
from the blade she already tightly grips...

Silentpoet Grl