Abhishek Tiwari - A World Full Of Fake Smiles!

2014-11-10 4

Today I went to a city side,
What a fake world with
such a fake smile..! !
I couldn't talk to people
I love, and Laughed with people I didnt like..
Today I went to a city side..
what a misery!
I bought a t-shirt worth nothing,
With 90% discount,
and exclaimed with haughty pride..! !
I talked to people far off,
but could not recognize the one who lives beside..
This was the taste of city side..
I crossed the pingy poo of roads
and went to eat and get some life..
I emptied my wallet, its every penny,
but I am still hungry,
This, oh God! I cannot hide...!
I billed and smiled,
a fake smile..to the people there inside..
and said good bye to the city side..!
This was the taste of city side! !

Abhishek Tiwari
