Almedia Knight Oliver - Wave after Wave

2014-11-10 55

From his water home, miles over miles then
Meeting his dove, cooing and wooing and
Cradling her in his arms, then breaking -up ashore.
The very next day, though different, returning
with silver wave, they
Roll and ripple, rollicking to tomb
Never same one, wave after wave
returns again and again…doesn't hold on,
just gives wind tighter grip on sea;
beauty and motion to the ocean;
kisses the shore
laps the rock
peace to humankind!


Almedia Knight-Oliver

October 22,2011

Poetess feeling watery…though life's waves provides
us options: ride the waves as a lovers, or drown in them….
or some things are "in the lap of god"

Almedia Knight Oliver

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