Romeo Della Valle - A Dare Mind Escape

2014-11-10 2

Whenever I feel very low,
Tired and rushing against the crowd
In this big jungle of concrete, steel
And glass called: New York City,
It comes to my mind one wish:
To climb the Empire State Building
Like King Kong did with bravery! ..

Once all the way on the top,
A higher and quieter place,
Where I may stay unmoved
By the world down below,
I would feel totally free
Like a melancholic and soft wind…

My words may become softer,
Fluttering the breeze
And well protected in my new nest,
Where nothing can reach me,
Out of sight and touch of the crowd,
I would most likely realize
The World is not so tough…

People below behave like horses,
Clicking heels against tracks
Of pavement led by reigns
That I cannot clearly perceive…
These people seem to glide
On railways of motion,
All riding a freight train
Of contemplation…

Surprised perhaps to be noticed
By the people down below,
I cast a warning stare
Through the fading distance,
Silent detachment
And separate defiance of a struggle
Blended with a non reconciled pain…
Tired by the everyday routine,
I hope I can find peace and security,
All the way up there on my new nest
Where I would have the chance
To discover the real secret of:
Distance, Height and Space…

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Romeo Della Valle