Bartholomew Arkoh Boamah Sarbah - When Will Africa Unite

2014-11-10 19

Down below the ground come the voices of the great heroes
The pillars of Africa in those days........
From the west come the cries of grief
From the horizon flows the blood of Africa
Children with tattered clothes roam about the the streets
Innocent people are neglected at the mercy of death
Under the African sun, nations are fighting nations
While tribes are also fighting each other for leadership
Seemingly superior and mighty ones look down on the
seemingly inferior
Brothers bury their own relatives out of hatred and jealousy,
not to talk about chieftainship
Favoritism and nepotism is the order of the day.......

Gone are the days when the forefathers were around
Those days when they were the pillars of Africa
Theirs was a plethora of sacrifice, the kind Africa is lacking now
Africa whose hope and glory is vanishing into thin air
Africa whose own people are against each other
When will Africa unite to fulfill the promise of long ago?
When will Africa learn to love and desist from hatred?
When will Africa stop and repair the destruction caused by the ignorance of her own people
Be united and defend yourself
And know that 'Together we stand; Divided we fall'.

Bartholomew Arkoh Boamah Sarbah