I want to be me, I need to be me
For that I refuse to apologise
I’ve broken the chains that kept me tied down
No consent needed to watch a sun-rise
I have to be me, I’ve got to be me
You know, deep down inside, that this is true
You say that you love me, just let me go
Free my mind, and perhaps I’ll still love you
Nothing I did was good enough for you
You always thought that I was a dreamer
Dreaming that you’d say those three little words
I was your pupil, you were my teacher
There is still love for you here in my heart
Please let me be me, I need to be free
I don’t intend to run away from you
I just need to be set free and be me
Come with me, take my hand, I’ll lead the way
Sometimes in life, we have to take a chance
Stop trying to keep up with the Jones'
May I have the pleasure of the next dance
Can you hear the music playing our song
Que sera sera, what will be will be
No more chains tying us down anymore
We need to be free, I need to be me
Gordon David