Harindhar Reddy - Seven Wonders of the Ancient World!

2014-11-10 45

Hanging gardens of Babylon built for his love Amytis - homesick
By Nebuchadnezzar - lovesick
The Mausoleum of Halicarnassus for her love Mausolus,
By Artemisia; yet both were destroyed by earthquake colossus;
Are the two wonders of the ancient world!
Yet Gibson girl is the wonder of the fantasy world!

Great Pyramid of Giza was built by Khufu - Pharaoh
For his sarcophagus is still standing tall beyond the sarrow
The Statue of Zeus at Olympia
Yet, it succumbed to the fire, hiya!
Are the four ancient wonders of the world!
Yet Gibson girl is the wonder of the fantasy world!

The statue of Artemis and a temple at Ephesus
Yet, deliberately burnt by Herostratus!
Colossus of Rhodes with statue of god Helios - named
Ptolemy Soter built Pharos Lighthouse at Alexandria till quake doomed
Are the seven ancient wonders of the world!
Yet Gibson girl is the wonder of the fantasy world!

Harindhar Reddy
