Margaret Alice Second - Machine Churning Above

2014-11-10 0

I do not care for political scandal and intrigues
because only those with the same moral guilt,
the same capacity for wrongdoing, throw the
stones, whenever they come to power they
become worse dictators

People blaming others for what is wrong just wait
to sing their own song of corruption - I appreciate
them playing games and wish them luck; whistle-
blowers take over from those they sack, no reform
possible in a world where

The morally pure never accuse and never enter
politics, the poor will always be helpless as moguls
play with money and might, I refuse to join any camp
as the game is to become the next powerful despot
and use the poor masses

As fodder to feed the machine churning above, no
self-righteous person can accuse another as we all
have the same ability to commit the same crimes
given that the same circumstances apply to us all…

Margaret Alice Second

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