Ebi Robert - Wisdom in darkness

2014-11-10 3

He traced through the miles
surrounded by grasses, rounded by tares
of sweet sweat, energy and experience
in the voyage of life.

Hope what; that he’s a passenger
So stagnant in a moving thing.
By inheritage he is bold,
and a noble of lords,
having nay and yea done by them.

For him who slept timely
and penniless and him who is plentiful
but have slept, become children in a twinkle.

In eyeful the world is small
And upon the eye; the mouse.
For his wisdom is right betwixt light and night.

As for noble of lords whom by vain so bold
announces, come here, go there.
I can buy your spirit with a pound,
so evil allow and deny.

Obeying command to order.
Yes! Yes! ! Yes! ! !
Staying lo the ray.
Centgrating to crouching earth.
Not at a time, swinging left nor right,
to the mind that is the mind.

And now he thinked it wisdom.
What a man dying as a child.

Ebi Robert
