Seema Aarella - ! ! ! ! ...SIGH-2

2014-11-10 1

Have you ever felt?
with heightened ecstasy
the chill and freeze of
the 5' o clock rain in
the streets of your
sorrowing city, whose place
i yearn to take and
drench you in the torrent of ardor.

Have you ever touched?
With your trembling fingers
and felt my texture
in the satin of young flower's
softened lips dripping
pearly droplets after an episode
of shower in your backyard garden.

Have you ever heard?
My husky voice speaking,
my warm breath stroking your cheeks
when the morose air gets
playfully excited at your sight,
leaps across the table and
whispers in your ear
the words of love and love only.

Seema Aarella