I enthralled seeing a little one
Sitting on a swing,
Tied in the midst of the threshold,
With scary laugh and cry
For every up and down move of the swing,
Swing me high, swing me low….
As a child I loved to swing,
Swinging high, Swinging low,
Swinging in woods and meadows,
I laughed, I sang, I screamed in Joy,
Making my friends to whirl around and enjoy.
Swing me high, Swing me low….
Troubled by mother often to tie a swing for me,
At times she smiled and grind at me,
Brothers rescued and tied swings for me,
With mothers sarees and fathers dhothis,
Happy to see swing, swing and swing everywhere.
Swing me high, Swing me low….
Awaited for Nag Panchami,
The festival of swings,
Me as a queen bee on the swing,
My friends as maids to push the swing
To and fro,
Swing me high, swing me low….
As the time passed by,
My mind lost the traces of my swing,
Now, I rarely find swings and swinging amusement,
Good were the days I was swinging and singing,
All to myself, all to my self,
Swinging high, swinging low…
With pleasure of being a child,
Enjoying the festivity,
With colourful clothes and jasmine flowers,
That adored my long tresses,
With less hassles,
Moving front and back,
With fun and frolic,
Sudden fall with a creek
And that ends that days swinging.
Swinging me high, swinging me low….
NB- Nag Panchami is the festival of worshiping Snakes in India. The worshiping is in order to Thank snakes, other reptiles, and insects which are helping humans and maintaining the balance in the Eco system.
Sphoorthi Theatre Padmini Rangarajan