hasmukh amathalal - Irrelevant thoughts

2014-11-10 3

Nothing hurts me more than my own thoughts
Intelligentsias all over world have offered explanations and always sought
The adoption of whimsical ways to come out of jugglery
It is nothing but state of mind and simple misery

It is known fact that we have temporary refuge
The problems may be more but we make it to seem huge
The ups and down may make it more enterprising
As life it self may be thrilling and promising

If I had poor parenting and no sources
What is use of its remembrance and curse?
It may make you reasonable of course
But after all they are dominant and driving force

Human mind works at faster space
Some of us take special pride in race
Color, cast and creed also occupy most of the time
Who then has to be blamed for it anytime?

We tend to loose few steps for futile adventures
That doesn’t show way or completely ensure
Rather it pushed us to the brink
Where we can only hope of losing ship or sink

The human mind may be called think tank
Where millions of ideas invade and sink
Some may take to useful conclusion
Rest may not warrant even inclusion

I have tried to struggle for temporary objects
It has found unfavorable and some times rejected
But that has not pushed me to an absolute end
As it provided many means to amend

Thoughts are nice to cultivate mind
It has unique way to explore and find
What we need to emphasize is its proper application
It must have some reasoning and direct relations

hasmukh amathalal
