Margaret Alice Second - Always, Univocally Right

2014-11-10 0

It seems I have missed the beauty of this day
at least I have learnt self righteous anger and
blame directed at me make me see the error
of my ways while creating no desire for
improvement, to the contrary

Instils a wish to persist in so called unacceptable
behaviour, no feeling of guilt, only an evil wish to
do the wrong thing again; you snarled at me for
not fulfilling my duty, not providing dinner for
anybody, saying how disappointed you felt

How inconsiderate my behaviour, I sympathised with
your self righteous anger and I still do, three pain pills
made me calm enough to listen to everything you say
with equanimity, given that fatigue and lack of sleep
have no value in arguing my case

You are always, univocally right, this is what I like
about you, you believe in yourself, even when I
know you are wrong; such self confidence is
worth ever so much humiliation

Margaret Alice Second

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