Rushing to work, up in the sky
Taking the elevator, up! Up! Up!
People coming in, one by one
Dressed appropriately, never a smile
People sadden by age, by profession
Ravished by economic turns, never a smile
People with relationship problems, enter en masse
Never, never a smile
Looking at the ceiling, the floor
Never smiling at each other
Never a word of hope, heard
You said hello, they frown on you
How dare you talk to a stranger
On the elevator? How dare you?
You wonder aloud; are these people from outer space?
On the elevator, crowded, but alone you stand.
Up! Up! Up! The elevator goes
Your floor is here, the bell heard
Out you go, smiling with the outside
Wow! You have made it
In goes another, stoned face,
People a world apart, yet breathing on each other.
On the elevator, people too sensitive, are
Fighting their sense of worth
Afraid to smile with others
Up! Up! Up! and down! Down! Down!
The elevator goes, people never a smile
Smile is gone on the elevator
Smile is gone on the elevator!
Winston Harding
Winston Harding