indira babbellapati - A Poem Called A lump In My Throat

2014-11-10 1

f only you're searching for
Kindness in this gruesome world
Ask this lump in my throat
Didn't you experience it
Moving from the depths of your belly
Navigating its way through the heart
To your vocal chords, blocking them
From speech when you looked at
A lonesome child covered in a coat of dust
And looking longingly at
The balloon seller holding a bunch of colours?
Haven't you felt it when you lost yourself
At the sight of two lovers engrossed in
Each other's company by the sea-shore?
Hey, you must have felt it
When you talked to the one close to your heart
Only to realize that you haven't talked
What you intended, overwhelmed as you're by
His/her voice and his/her presence?

It always stays put
It always obstructs
My air-ways
At every word or act of kindness
At each act of violence
As equally as
At watching children at play
At an infant smile
At a helpless old man
At a dignified old woman
At a child of restraint
A bunch of giggling youth
A pet waiting for its food
A bird feeding its young ones...

At a distant melody
At a passing cloud
At bright moon-light...

...At every ripple
In this ocean of creation...

18 Aug 2011

indira babbellapati

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