Rommel Mark Dominguez Marchan - * Embrace creation Reject evolution theory

2014-11-10 7

Everything has beginning and end
as well as cause and effect
how on earth that life exist
without omnipotent Hands insists

Embrace divine creation theory
reject Darwinism evolution' scheme
the survival among the fittest
and man came from ancestral ape

Gaze up the azure sky
look beyond the planetary orbit
How come they evolve and hang up around
with no single magnetic friction abound

Is it a law of nature' drive?
Yes, it is.. a cryptic law by invisible pen
written by the ultimate author above
with omnipresence love

Only fool would say
There's no God, the creator of heaven and earth
only insane mind couldn't appreciate
The wisdom of His unfathomable purposes

And why there is Creation?
why from invisible creator?
why Creator creates creation?
Is it to make creature's mind confuse?

We need to realize something old
God simply puts up these all
In His ''absence'', we are expected to look after
as good steward of His creation

(For my sis Kristille in the Philippines)

Rommel Mark Dominguez Marchan