SmashLey Sweetie Simons - Confused Love

2014-11-10 3

There is this guy
I love him wit all my heart
buht sumtyme tht juhst doesnt seem lyke enoqh)
I try to make iht work
Buht at tymes its all juhst a biq BLUR!
I dont wana lose him, or leave him
I'll feel lost n broken witout him!
He makes meh feel SOO alive
He has not once ever made meh cry!
Buht he has made meh MAD!
Buht in the END!
i will Give & DO nethinq To b WIT HIM
i will fight for him, die for him, cry for him.
UNTIL the day he says tht 'I'M NOTHING' to him.
I dont doubt him or lie to HIM!
BC i believe tht i DO l