Bashyam Narayanan - Sail Through Your Emotions, Don't Sink

2014-11-10 12

Life, people say, a journey
Indeed, it is a journey through emotions
Life turns dry
If it is without that

Emotions steer the course of life
It drives you take directions

As in a journey there are stops or stages
We too come across in this
Inevitable life journey
A number of junctions
With an emotion stopping us
To take the appropriate direction

A journey could be smooth
And less cumbersome
With emotions not stopping us for long
And demanding tough decisions

Emotions are not absolute
Their nature and extent
Varying with previous journey experiences
As a kid the emotions go unregistered
And the stops do not long last
Journey goes on smoothly for most of us

As we advance in the journey
The emotions become strong
And they get registered
Making us spend long time
In identifying the so called right directions

Checking emotions and not yielding to them
Is indeed a wisdom
And not many are successful
In making this happen

It is well advised
Not to allow your emotions drown you
But to develop in you a float
So that you sail over them

Seeking divine guidance
Developing a taste for artful creations
Looking for opportunities in challenges
Schooling your mind against
Wild and negative thoughts
Heartfully laughing in testing circumstances
And out-of-the-box thinking
Are the prescriptions
For sailing over emotions
So that you will enjoy living

Save yourselves
Sail over emotions
Sink not into them

Bashyam Narayanan