Shamba Kaunda - A Jasmine In My Garden.

2014-11-10 8

In my garden i grew jasmine,
Grew bigger and it covered the roses,
As its sweet fragrance melted my skin,
So it left my heart thumping like a sound running horses,
From all smiling floras it stood bright with its warm hue,
And it shone with happiness and pride,
For as a glow warm golden in a dell of dew,
Amongst all flowers it stood aside,

In my garden there are lavenders,
And azeleas and roses in it too,
But its the unique aroma of jasmine that completes my heart remainders,
Not that of heathers and all flowers shining blue,
Befriended by butterflies and birds,
And sheltered with the wings of bees when it is sunny,
For jasmine is filled with their needs,
And its nectar and pollen a vital essence of the sweetest honey,

You are the jasmine plant,
And the garden is my heart.

Shamba Kaunda