Let go, let God ... Four simple words,
Yet they mean everything.
Give God your heart and not two thirds,
Let Jesus be your King.
This world will drag you straight to Hell,
To break your word and more
This world will cast its evil spell
To shake you to the core
Let go, let God ... The Lord is wise,
Why would He cheat or steal?
He owns the whole of Paradise
And Paradise is real
He wants to share His heart with you,
That's why God sent His Son
For every word Christ said is true,
That's how the war is won
Let go, let God ... Yes, every day,
Yes, every single hour
Let Jesus lead you on your way,
Let Jesus give you power.
What use is it to fight alone
When demons still exist?
Bring your life now before God's Throne,
Be God's evangelist!
Let go, let God ... like saints of old,
Like David, sing new psalms
Come to the Cross of Christ! Behold!
Look at His outstretched arms!
Look at the King of Love who died,
So holy and so brave
For there, the Lord was crucified,
Our sinful souls to save
Let go, let God ... His Son is proof
No other proof we need
He rose again, that Gospel truth
Will help us to succeed.
So call upon His holy Name,
Bathed in His holy Blood,
Baptised you'll never be the same
Dear friends ... Let go, let God
Denis Martindale