Listening to the different voices within
The ever-last record that I never forgotten
she said once but holding it for all time
That's is power of my mama words
She said
What a lovely star in the sky!
Made me feel emotionally high
The gentle touch of which I can never deny
Sole earthly objects fail to weigh
Could someone there to tell me why?
Of course, it’s not a thing to buy,
The entire wealth around stands in shy
Before the gift of God sent to me
At once I feel enthralled to see
The lovely child in velvet smiling aloud hahaha
Lovely child, I tell you soon
Looking at the rainbow moon
Said with warmth to sooth the child
you brought home the memories of golden tale
Never get nervous to reach your goal
Wait for YOUR DAY with constant hope
Faith should always make you deep'
My Soul whispers, HONOURED, Just a step down to YOU!
Her words calm me again
So I feel safe like I'm home
To fly with the clouds again
sometimes thunder can harm fragile heart
Never couldn't be this easy find the future road
But I know, the sunrise will come truly fair
As gently the wind touching my hair
Remind me of my mom's touch
Again my spirit regained
When I cry she whispers to me
Dear to this ear,
I swear with full of my heart
One day you will be proud
Like tonight moonlight behind that cloud
Rekha Mandagere