Patti Masterman - In a Tree Haunted Forest

2014-11-10 5

In a tree haunted forest
She walks in white;
Hands before her-
She fears the night.

A ghost she is;
But she never knew,
And she searches for
The heart once true.

Her lover sleeps
Many feet below,
He'll never hear
Her wind-borne moans.

Some people see her;
Wandering, pale
Across the night-scape
To search her grail.

There is no end
For those who weep,
Who’ll wake each night
Till mornings sleep.

Who search in vain
For love so dead,
To match the vision
Inside their head.

She's more afraid
Than you could know,
Now drifting with
The moonlights flow,

So leave a cross
Upon the trees
To point the way
Toward heaven's peace.

Then say a prayer,
In any tongue-
That soon her thankless
Waiting's done.

Patti Masterman