Lonnie Hicks - Summer At Night

2014-11-10 1

We dance under the nascent moon
delicate twirls, eye twinkles
and tree shadows
far away horns blowing
and I
take your hand;
placed lips
linger there
as soft
soft breaths
straddle index
and ring fingers
and you quiver quietly.

I hear the night owl hoot
musical strains
from the dance
sail out to us
offering a caress
to eager ears
buffeted by Jasmine perfumes
heart fibers
which only come out
for brilliant moon-stars
under magnolia trees
where fireflies
in the Carolina night
dance to light heavens lights
and I
allow my soul to
brush across
your summer nape
like a softly shooting star
descending into your hair's drape
where I breathe deeply
of its fragrances
and those of the fire-fly night
as you shudder into
breasts erect
offering too
their loving caress
and I
smell you
like summer
at night.

You whisper to me that you want to have a baby, my baby.

To be continued.

Lonnie Hicks
