John Bliven Morin - Rapunzel

2014-11-10 34

The Princess Rapunzel lived high in a tower,
Where a wicked old witch had once placed her,
And day after day, from hour to hour,
Deep boredom and lonliness faced her.

The witch told Rapunzel, “Here ye shall stay
Until ye shall wed my child, Mitch”
“I’d rather a prisoner remain, anyway,
Than wed that wee son of a witch.”

Locked up in a tower impossibly tall,
Rapunzel she wept to be free;
For though she had gowns and jewelry and all,
A sad, lonely princess was she.

She sat by her window and wished for a prince
To ride up on his white horse and save her,
While washing her beautiful hair with a rinse
Reminiscent of lemons in flavor.

And then one day, she saw a white horse,
With a handsome prince seated astride;
“Will you save me, ” she asked, and he answered “Of course,
If you’ll be my beautiful bride! ”

He searched for a door as he rode round the keep,
But none did he find all around there;
He tried to climb up, but the sides were too steep,
And then a solution he found there.

“Rapunzel, Rapunzel, let down your hair! ”
“Wait, I’ll be back in two jigs”
He smiled as he waited upon his horse, there,
And soon he was buried in wigs.

His horse, in fright, took off like a shot,
And took the prince back to his court;
Rapunzel remembered the haircut she got,
And regretted she cut it so short.

If this tale must a moral have, here then, bon chance,
“The princess was foiled by her vanities;
Instead of tossing the prince her bouffants,
She’d have better luck tossing her panities! ”

John Bliven Morin