Curtis Baskerville - ' Life Without You '

2014-11-10 4

Life without you would mean sudden death;
like a sharp dagger through my flesh.
I do not bleed the blood from my veins,
yet I bleed my soul; the one thing that you crave.

The clouds will turn from white to grey,
and our beautiful love song will no longer play.
I will shrivel up and die, like flowers during fall season time.

Without you here, there is no light to guide me from the dark;
no longer will I be the flame that was lit by your spark.
I couldn’t bear to live life without you;
to others I’m a bad apple; no longer any good.

Your beautiful face fills me with energy and youth,
but without you here what would be the use.
Life without you is just insane;
it’s like I’m the ocean but without the waves.

Life doesn’t stop because you’re gone,
just know my heart and soul was yours all along.

Curtis Baskerville