All I talked about was you
The months before you were home
Not a call or a text, but on facebook
I find out your home like everyone else
She got the surprise
A hug she could not even give
I’d given you hugs and kisses
And said I’m so proud and cry
I know you never meant to hurt me
But that night I cried like a baby
A mother needs to know she’s loved
Just like a son needs to be proud of
I wanted to know when you’d be home
So I could arrange some time to spend
You could not give me that
Yet it was the night before you left
You still haven’t changed
Still avoiding situations
Like not knowing how to tell people
You just want to hang with friends
But I’m YOUR MOM dammit
I think I have the right
To see you more than once
The 2 weeks you’re home from Kuwait
Maybe I wasn’t a good mom
Is this really what you think
But you won’t tell me
Cause you’ll avoid that just the same
She texted me to let me know you’d be home
So I called and texted,
I’m home on facebook you said
Yet no reply I got
Your actions speak louder
Than the few words you say
I see where I stand
In your small world you stay
Pookey's Poems