Carmela Patterson - Wake Up !

2014-11-10 10

The darkness of the earliest dawn awakens me this morn
A call to pray for someone in need, a person in pain;
I hear a bird chirping loudly as if trumpeting his own horn
Telling me my early morning prayer is someone else's gain.

Wake up! Wake up and hear what I say; it is, I, the Lord
Speaking to you in the early morning rising this day;
Lift to Me your brothers and sisters in prayerful accord
And I will bless them and you in the best possible way.

Listen to the birds of the air as they sing their songs of praise
See the beauty of each unfolding flower I created for your sight;
Feel the gentle rains cool the heat of the sun's powerful rays,
See that nature's replenishing speaks of my power and might.

It is for you I have created the ebbs and flows of the blue sea
It is for you I gave my only Son life, death, and heaven's key.
His rising from death to Resurrection is a foretaste of your own
Your own life's length on earth, only to Me, is known.

Heed what I say and be attentive to the silence in your heart
Where I speak to you when you permit Me entrance there
Teaching you lessons in life and sufficient graces to impart
For your journey toward heaven through my loving care.

Wake up! Wake up and hear what I say!
I could come for you today.

Carmela Patterson