Alessandra Liverani - - Yes Please : : Humour

2014-11-10 1

I wrote a funny poem, and then I wrote one more
After several years I'd written twice a score
Humour With Lemon Pepper Sauce sounded a title good to me
So I went to a recording studio and put the lot on a CD

This fabulous fiesta I hope provides a feast
For all digestive systems, children's not the least
Currently my CD's are sitting patiently in their cases
Strewn around my abode in tucked away places

I'd love to get them out there, proudly on display
But so far all I'm hearing is nay, nay, nay
I'm hoping to find someone who's heard of the word yes
It's only a tiny word but it can lead to great success

In the common vernacular it's called a win/win situation
One that culminates in a joyful celebration
I raise a toast to those who don't shout no, no, no
But are willing to give my CD a red hot go

Alessandra Liverani