what do words do to people? do they physically punch you in the face. no. words are strong. they say actions are stronger than words. well i disagree with this quote. actions and words have the same amount of power. words settle disagreements while actions cause violence. no one gives words the credit they deserve. you speak words without giving them credit or a slight gesture of appreciation. without the words we speak everyday we only have actions. words are power without words you have no power. sometimes we cant handle the power of words. we take words for granted and not say the right words because you can not take the power of words. some of you just don't use your words and use actions. when you do that your wrong! you have to appreciate the power of words. you might b wondering how are words so powerful and strong. words are powerful because they show love and they show hate. words can make a person happy or can make a person depressed. what i am trying to make people understand is that words are powerful and the power of words is the power of you. if you use no words you have no power.
celia hinojosa