Denis Martindale - Four Horsemen Of The Apocalypse

2014-11-10 115

I saw them riding in a dream, Hell-bent upon their course,
And each one with a sickening scheme as he rode on his horse...
And so they moved, this world to claim with utmost misery,
With death and suffering as their aim, their shame and infamy!
I saw them riding coast-to-coast, on sturdy steeds at night
And evil had them all engrossed, as if they were held tight...
And so they moved, one thought in mind, to bring the world despair,
Until the time four horsemen find their victims unaware!

I saw them riding recklessly, regardless, side-by-side,
As if their perfect destiny, each smiled with stubborn pride...
And so they moved and cut to shreds the mortal flesh of Man,
While moonbeams shone upon their heads as all four horses ran!
I saw them riding to my town and to my very street
And there they cast their curses down upon men's hands and feet...
And so they moved, unmerciful, upon the young and old,
To fill up every hospital with fever and with cold!

I saw them riding from my home, to Europe, for a spell
And I beheld that even Rome was subject to their Hell...
And so they moved, unmoved by deeds, unspeakable and foul,
Men's lives to quench like choking weeds or wicked wolves that howl!
I saw them riding, north and south, and east and west in time,
With blasphemies to fill each mouth, as if their perfect crime...
And so they moved, sharp tiger-toothed, repentant, not at all...
Four horses and four horsemen proved that even the mighty fall...

Denis Martindale

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