Victor Ogoti - In My Dreams, I Have Lived the Future

2014-11-10 4

Would you believe tonight?
When I tell you in sight,
That I have been here before?
In this self same place
At this tick of clock,
Saw you in smile as you are
In this nocturnal ambience?

Would you think I’m insane
For in truth to say
I had listened to these cries before
As this little humanity,
Breaks the York of your womb
To join a new reality

Would you snigger when I swear
I had seen you appear
So angelic as you are
Far before we met?

Do you see the rose in your palm
Oh you’ve handed it to her!
-Our beautiful Therese
And she’s handed it to me!
Just as we did before
Believe it or not
I’ve lived this before
I’ve lived the future
In my dreams

Victor Ogoti