I wish I could be a child again
When everything is simple and gay
Playing under the sunlight
Hide and seek in the moonlight
Very simple things
That makes our heart laugh out loud
I wish I could smile again like a child
Where candies and balloons are all that I want
And when someone get my toys and made me cry
My friends will stood beside me and fight
Telling me over and over
That they’ll never leave my side
Playing and laughing like a child
Where life seems so happy and bright
You don’t have to worry for the next day
Just excited so that you again can play
As soon as the sun touches the land
Till the smiling moon says goodnight
Life can be as simple and gay as a child
In things that can make them happy and smile
This lesson I’ve learned as I grew up
You don’t have to make a complicated life
Being contented on the simple things
Finding happiness in everything!
Meann Santiago