White powdered nose, torn up clothes,
Passed out in the middle of the floor,
You sold your soul, fell into a hole,
And wished to have never been rescued.
Your false illusions kept you happy,
Until you saw your dim reality.
Once the fog cleared, and you saw who isn’t here,
You decided to wake up.
Never again, touching those things, that took away your life,
But it was too late, you hurt the one you love most,
And now, you’re at risk at losing them,
And they won’t see, the way you’ve changed.
[Stanza 2]
You threw your life away, never again were you the same,
Completely numb, you had your fun,
Now you’re done.
Shot, done, and trashed,
As your heart beat rapidly, on the floor your body thrashed,
Sweat pouring from your skin,
Blood dripping down again,
Your times finally come,
And now you’re done.
As you lay on the floor defeated,
You begin to regret,
What you did, who you loved,
And who you decided to forget.
You can’t live again, and you want to see her face,
Suddenly you feel inspired, and even faster your heart begins to race.
You crawl out the door, and get the strength to walk,
You collapse halfway down the block.
You die alone, in the cold night rain,
Never seeing her face again.
Stephen Hovious