Jim Boone - Character Traits

2014-11-10 92

We march to our own ‘drummer’
And we are known as ‘Characters’
We’re unique and proud of it
Poets and know it
Mold breakers with a smile
Little and cute, big and bold
Nelly as pink ink
Got balls and a lot of game
Talent? We got plenty
Gumption is our middle name
We have no intention to ‘fold’
Got a tune in our hearts
A notion in our brains
Always armed with a come-back
When we’re down, don’t try to count
Us out because we’re gettin up
If we like you, you got a friend
Right up to the rough, touch and
Joyful, gotta shout, memorable end

We’ll embarrass you sometimes
And entertain you always
Pay attention to what we say
Because there’s meaning in each word
Redemption and l0ve in our greeting
Amnesty in a look and an eyebrow raise.

An Island without its ‘Characters’
Is like a calendar without its days
The dark of night without a sunrise
A life without its ‘bling’.


Jim Boone


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