Vijay Sai - Disappeared Dreams

2014-11-10 4

Hardly eighteen
Young and youthful
Euphoric and exhilarating
Exuberant and energetic
Buoyant and boisterous
Fit and fugitive
Excelling in twin sports
Athlete in football and volleyball
Accolades aplenty
Bringing laurels to parents
Pride to nation
Completing her rigorous training
Eager to be home
Waiting to earn a well earned rest
Getting into an electric multiple unit
Squatting very near to entrance
Carrying dreams many more
In pursuit of never ending success story
Historic scripts waiting to be re-written
Smiling wrinkles all over her face
Never she thought sullen it would be this day
Attacked by a group of dreaded men
Who targeted her golden ornament
Glittering around her neck
All that she could resist went in vain
The brutal people threw her out
Of the speeding train
So hard to say!
One of her precious leg
Run over by another rapid train
Running opposite
All her dreams buried alive
A flower ripped in bud
Let us all pray
God stays with her ever
To give courage and bravery
To combat against all odds
To flower in full bloom.

Vijay Sai