Shishi and I, just draped our doll,
Giggling, in the shade of a sacred scroll.
Stood by the well and eyed us long,
in weathered hands a goatherd thong.
Hapless I gaped at the towering palm.
Whispered to me a well known psalm.
Daunted and tender I looked at the fronds,
It mumbled some words and family bonds.
"Kuntee takooleen inni falzat kabadak" hid in a hut,
"Abee wa akhee Al muhaiboon" away from the rut.
I shaded my eyes to the blinding glare.
Made out the outline of a gaping snare.
And! We tasted the yet halfdone dates.
Dry and odious, it insipid, grates.
Blew the sandstorm, hair in my eyes.
Thundered and raged at desperate sighs.
I looked around at that; oasis green.
At the aged palms and their sheen.
In the sand, undressed, lay Shishi's doll,
while she herself, for the grandest mall.
Beyond this farce were the sandy dunes.
Some wilted stubs and dried prunes.
Had dreamt of whispers, incense pure!
For our childish curiosity, a delicate cure!
We wanted to savor our beautiful dunes.
Sheltered in the hush of a tender moon.
07 April,2k11
Key-Arabic to English-metaphorical
"Kuntee takooleen inni falzat kabadak"
You used to say I was your heart & soul…..(her mother would say)
"Abee wa akhee Al muhaiboon"
My father and brothers brave……(the child's searching gaze…looks for them in vain)
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