2014-11-10 65

some people, i met,
are honest & sincere, i bet.
their faces shine with smiles,
they take pleasure in saving lives.
their service is like running rivers,
they are known as peace givers,
to serve human is their only dream.
their energy is like mountain stream.
they serve people without being selfish,
they even handle people who are impish.
they take away others pain,
without caring for loss or gain.
they are like friends very dear,
who stand by, to dry off our tear,
& leave us without any fear.
they are angels sent by god. i am sure,
for this diseased world, to cure.
in todays world so selfish & mean.
these angels come to save human-beings.
they cant be compared to others,
so they are known as 'doctors.'

Arfa Iris