Anastasia Bathsheba Coriolanus also known as ABC
Considered Xanthia Yolanda Zaccharius her mortal enemy
Xanthia Yolanda Zaccharius (called XYZ by her friends)
Teamed with Larissa Marissa Narissa, aka LMN
To fight ABC and her pal, Delilah Elisabetta Finocchio
Who due to her wooden tipped nose was aptly christened Pinocchio
This battle would take place behind the old school shed
Refereed by Quintessa Raquelle Sabreenah quaintly nicknamed Fred
School mates came from far and wide, this joust had quite a pull
Harold Ignatius Jones had one glass eye so he was dubbed half full
He started off the schoolyard chant, it only had one syllable
Fight, fight, fight, fight - could not have been more typical
Ursula Valentina Wendlesworth, UVDub was her appellation
Caught a clump of flying hair, amidst the altercation
And after all the hoohah stopped, it was considered an even score
UVDub turned to ABC and said, I think that this is yours
(Sydney, Australia - 2011)
Alessandra Liverani